Our First Half of Term – Summer 2015

Posted: 26th May 2015

Our First Half of Term – Summer 2015

It was a short, but very busy first half of term which focused on the story of Henny Penny and the other creatures – Cocky Locky, Turkey Lurkey and Foxy Loxy. The children listened to the story with great interest and created a wonderful picture for the back wall. They also created the story using different instruments to represent the sounds of the creatures.

They also learned about instruments from the various groups – brass, strings and percussion. We were very lucky to have parents come to visit and share their knowledge and musical abilities with the children. Lottie’s daddy visited us to play his French horn which everyone enjoyed – particularly ‘let it go’ from Frozen! The children listened to the way the sound changed whilst it was being played. Afterwards they made their own French horn with a collection of things, including hose pipes, small funnels and mouthpieces.

Lottie's daddy playing the French horn

Lottie’s daddy playing the French horn

Having a go on the French horn

Having a go on the French horn

Making your own French horn

Making your own French horn


Earlier in the term the village hall was taken over as a polling station for the General Election, so the whole nursery visited Haslemere’s museum where the children learned about butterflies and had the chance to colour in butterflies of their own.

Colouring in their own butterflies

Colouring in their own butterflies

We braved the cool, damp weather – typical of early summer – and spent time outside with the water tray, pouring into containers of different sizes to understand capacity, and have fun getting a little wet!

Learning about measuring with the water tray

Learning about measuring with the water tray

St George’s Day (23rd April) was celebrated with the children painting roses, colouring in and drawing dragons, castles, knights and princesses and playing with our lovely castle which was bought for the nursery by previous leavers.
The children also had a visitor come to take photographs, and this involved many changes to our normal day including being asked (by a stranger, but with the children knowing that staff were helping) to pose for the camera – some took to it like true professionals, but others needed just a little bit of coaxing, with the help of the photographer’s monkey! Do ask your child if they remember the monkey as it caused a lot of laughter.

Everyone looking great!

Everyone looking great!

The half term ended with Sports Day, which was a great event, supported by many families and friends. All of the children joined in with various races and encouraged their parents in their own special races and then attended a wonderful post-racing fund-raising event complete with a barbeque and ice cream van.

Lots of enthusiastic cheering

Lots of enthusiastic cheering

Such fast running we couldn't get them in focus!

Such fast running we couldn’t get them in focus!

and smiles all round at the end.

and smiles all round at the end.